Spooky Cross is always a highlight of the season and this year did not disappoint. In the words of Ana aka ROTY "That was the most fun I've ever had at a race". BANDITS IN BIBS // DAY 1PODIUM WOLVESCOSTUME NIGHT RACESWAT X EPBP X TRES LECHES // PARTY AT THE BEACH CLUBHANGOVERS AND HANDUPS // DAY 2 Spooky was our first two day race weekend of the season and we woke up feeling far from fresh... After stuffing our faces at our hotels all you can eat breakfast we packed up and headed back for another day of dirt hurt and handups. They reversed the course creating some new technical downhill, more up hill, but rerouted it to leave in the damn run up. PODIUM WOLVESLooking forward to Halloween weekend off to recover, regroup, and get stoked for Anza and SLO Camping Weekend!
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March 2024